Sunday 12 December 2010

Homework analysis of 2 student films by Conor:

Video 1: 55 Marks - The good use of many different shot types paired with excellent sound choice create a really tense build up which builds the foundation for a great film however as the film went on it became boring and nothing really happened, also the actual death scene at the end wasnt very good and needed editing better, the fall of the victim wasnt timed correctly with the death.
In conclusion it was very good filming and had excellent music however the story-line and editing let it down slighty.

Video 2: 45 Marks - Awful storyline which really ruined the atmosphere is the main reason for low marks, Camera shots never really vary although the one shot which is used dominantly is of a high angle which shows vulnerability which is a positive.
In conclusion i feel that a lack of imagination and effort has gone into the film and only stands out for its "countdown" aspect.

Homework Analysis of two of the student horror films by Rachel:

I would give video 4,  52 mark. I choose this mark because the frame the shots appropriately, they have a variety of shots and they use sound effects appropriately. One of the reasons I have marked them down is because at times the lighting is too dark so you cannot see what is going on.

I would give video 3, 48 marks. I choose this mark because they have used a variety of shots, the mise-en-scene is good and editing so that meaning is appropriate to viewer. One of the reasons I have marked them down is because the story is not clear throughout so is quite confusing at times.