Friday 22 October 2010

Our final horror movie assessment - Niall

On our piece of work I personally feel that the camera is being held steadily and it doesn't move around. I also feel that we framed shots appropiately and most shots weren't too close or too far away from the actor, I also feel that we used a lot of shot types and I don't think we missed any shot type out of the movie. I also feel that we used a wide range of composition techniques, although I feel we could have used more like low angles, however we did use high angles a lot.


2. I feel that when we edited all of our shots do flow together very well, but we had to go through the movie a couple of times before we could sport certain mistakes like, in some places it didn't flow but eventually I feel that our whole movie does flow right through. However we chose not to do any editing transitions in our film.

In our film our actor didn't have to wear any make up or a costume, however we did have to have a prop which was a pendant, the film was called The Pendant so I feel that the pendant that we used was apporpiate to movie. During the film the pendant had to be thrown into a lake and the place that we had chose had a lake in, so the location was appropiate to our film genre which was physcological horror. The actor in the film was very proffessional as he does it for a hobby so we had no problems with having to do the same shot twice due to the actor doing the wrong thing.

Personally I helped make the film by bringing in the equipment like the camera, tripod, tape and batteries. I also did the storyboard which helped with the filming so we knew where the actor had to go and where he had to stand. We could ahve improved the film by maybe doing more shots and spending a longer time in our location and filming different shots to see which one worked better. When it comes to the final coursework film I feel that we will use a bigger location as the location that we did used was very small so we had limited space to move the camera round, also the actor had little space to move around and could only really run into one space.

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