Our finished work does show that we can hold a shot steady, we achieved by using the tripod and keeping it on a relatively flat surface throughout our film. Also, we framed all our shots appropriately, with making sure we kept to the rule of thirds. Furthermore, we made sure that we used a variety of shots and each shot that followed on from one another was different - this kept our film interesting and maintained the viewers attention throughout.

2. Use of Editing:
I think that our finished work shows that we can apply the rules of continuity editing, as all the shots flow well together, from one to the other and this creates a seamless, finished film. We chose not to use transitions between shots, as we felt that our shots flowed together correctly, without needing transitions - this is due to the way we filmed it.
3. Selection of Content:
Our finished film does show that we can use appropriate costume, make-up and props for our film genre because in the film we were basing our film on the actor was wearing normal clothes and wore no make-up , or had props. This is to reflect that it is happening to a normal person and could therefore happen to the viewer; making it scarier. Also, I am very happy with the location that we chose to film it in. Prior to the final filming, Conor and I went to the location to check it was suitable and we found it to be perfect for the requirements of our horror film.
Finally, I think we made a great choice in having Kristian act in our film, one reason for this is that he is an actor and has done acting in front of a camera before- this was good because then the camera didn't make him nervous or phase him. Secondly, Kristian is a media student himself so he understood the continuity and composition rules and was able to make sure he followed these and finally, I feel he acted really well and helped make our film better :)
4. Self-assessment:
As a group we all contributed equally to the making of the film and to help complete it, in our own ways.
Firstly I went to the location with Conor to be sure it was suitable, I also did a portion of the filming on the day, as did Niall and Conor. Furhtermore, I completed a list of the scenes to be shot, with the shot types we would be included, the angles and the duration of these. Also, I helped with the editing of our film to complete it fully and improve it.

Finally, I do not actually think there is anything I would do differently when it comes to my final coursework. I am happy with my group, as we have got along really well and we work well together, I think our finished film reflects this. I am also pleased with the way we planned and executed our film on a whole.
wow. This post is incredible. I can tell that you have put a lot of hard work and effort into this! Congratulations